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After School is almost here! And Goodbye Gowanus, Hello Atlantic Ave!

As we finish getting settled from our move to our Atlantic space we are SO thankful to our wonderful community in Gownaus who have lived and learned with us for over 5 years! Here’s a photo of our students last week getting a chance to draw on our walls as we say goodbye.IMG_0008

Looking for an exciting and engaging after school activity for your child?
 At the Foundry we’ve got an exciting new lineup of amazing projects for the fall season!

Running from Sept. 11th – Dec. 22, our once-a-week sessions hit that sweet spot where kids can learn about engineering, circuity, design, and more in an environment where they get to make new friends and express themselves!

Sessions start at 3:30pm weekdays and wrap up at 5:15/5:30. With rolling admissions, local school pickups, and extended day homework help (until 6:30pm), we’ve got plenty of options to work with tricky schedules!

Check out after school signups for all locations here!

Coming soon:Screen Shot 2017-09-06 at 12.24.04 PM

Our North Slope/Gowanus location has moved to our new awesome space at 492 Atlantic Ave, between 3rd and Nevins! To celebrate, we’re hosting an Grand Opening Events on Sept. 16 from 12:30 – 5:30, with both open activities and discounted classes you can sign up for ahead of time!

And Tiny Builders is starting soon! (Ages 2-4 with Caregiver) Check out our Tiny Builders programs that meet once a week for five weeks! We also offer $25 trial classes for first-time builders and their caregiver! Find the program nearest you and sign up here.

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