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Unveiling the Power of Hands-On Learning

There’s nothing new about the teaching approach of learning through doing. In fact, the adage “Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.” dates back to around 312 BC! Yet, despite the power of hands-on learning, it’s still not the prevailing method of teaching in schools today.

The advocacy for increased hands-on learning opportunities for students, particularly in STEAM, is justified by the numerous advantages it offers.

Sensorimotor Experience: The human brain is wired to learn through sensory experiences. Hands-on learning provides students with tangible, sensorimotor experiences, allowing them to touch, feel, see, and sometimes even taste and smell. This multisensory approach enhances memory retention and deepens understanding.

Concrete Understanding: Hands-on activities facilitate the transition from abstract concepts to concrete understanding. By manipulating objects, students can visualize abstract ideas, making complex principles more accessible. This concrete understanding forms a solid foundation for further learning and application.

Memory Retention: Active participation in experiments and hands-on activities involves both the mind and body. Research consistently shows that actively engaging with material leads to better memory retention. Students who physically interact with concepts are more likely to remember and apply that knowledge. They are also more likely to develop a life-long curiosity about the subject matter.

Motivation: Hands-on activities capture students’ attention and spark their interest. Instead of being passive recipients of information, students actively manipulate materials, conduct experiments, and observe real-world phenomena, and their intrinsic motivation increases. This engagement helps sustain their interest in complex topics and fosters a genuine curiosity.

Problem-Solving Skills: Hands-on activities require students to apply critical thinking skills, analyze data, and draw conclusions. The process of trial-and-error and troubleshooting enhances students’ ability to think critically and solve problems, crucial skills in education and in life.

Real-World Application: Hands-on learning in STEAM connects scientific theories to real-world applications. When students see the practical implications of scientific concepts through experiments, they gain a deeper appreciation for the relevance and utility of what they are learning, which enhances the transferability of knowledge.

In the dynamic landscape of education, the emphasis on learning by doing stands as a beacon of transformative pedagogy. It is incredibly effective because it aligns with how the human brain naturally learns, promotes active engagement, and provides a foundation for the development of critical thinking skills.

So why is it still not prevalent in our schools today? The answer is simple – it’s hard for schools to employ as teachers are already overwhelmed with curriculum demands and large class sizes.

The good news is that there are resources available for schools to outsource the job. Brooklyn Robot Foundry is an amazing example of a convenient and effective solution to improving students’ education without any further burden on classroom teachers. Brooklyn Robot Foundry brings its engaging, hands-on STEAM programs directly into schools, both during the school day and after. Students gain all the benefits of kinesthetic learning while having fun and being creative. And with little effort on behalf of the school other than securing the program. Brooklyn Robot Foundry has franchise locations in several parts of the country and continues to expand. Read more about bringing Brooklyn Robot Foundry to your area.

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