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Supporting Racial Justice

I am white. I own a small business that employs POC and teaches children. Racism is pervasive in our culture. It is hard to unpack. It is hard to know how to talk to children about what is happening. How to explain police brutality. How to talk about the killing of innocent people. But we can no longer sit in silence trying to “protect” our white children’s “innocence” while black and brown children and families are fearing for their lives. We cannot stand here watching without jumping in to be an ally, to see our own actions, our own racism, and to work towards change. We must understand our privilege, acknowledge it, and dismantle it.

Our company provides engineering classes for children. We teach children to question and explore the world.  We feel it is our responsibility to also teach children to see each other and to see when their assumptions about race are wrong.  We have done training with the Center For Racial Justice in Education including their training on how to facilitate race discussions with educators. Their programs are powerful, intelligent and so essential. If you work for or own a business that works with children, we highly recommend attending their sessions. They are humbling and enlightening. And have made me realize that my work to dismantle my white privilege will never be done. And that I must stay diligent to see my own racism and to call it out when I see it in others

On our Additional Resources page you can find useful resources and links to discussions on race that are happening right now. We strive to support our community, our staff and our children. And we strive to do better and be better and to learn together.

Jenny Young
Owner, Brooklyn Robot Foundry

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